The Success Story Trap We All Fall Into

Why We Compare Ourselves to the Wrong Winners

We're obsessed with the wrong winners.

The ones in books.

On podcasts.

On stages.

I know these people.

I interviewed them as a journalist.

Had them on my podcast.

Covered their "success stories."

Hell, I've compared my real life to their highlight reel.

But here's what nobody mentions:

They're exceptions.

Not the rule.

Never were.

The Hidden Truth

For every success story you hear,

There are hundreds who did the exact same thing:

Same effort.

Same commitment.

Same industry.

Different result.

Why We Don't Hear Those Stories

They don't sell books.

Don't get podcast downloads.

Don't fill seminar seats.

Instead, we get:

"Winners" who stopped doing what worked

So they could tell you how they "won."

Even Closer to Home

That neighbor's new house?

Could be inheritance.

That friend's dream career?

Might be family connections.

That colleague's fast track?

Maybe lucky timing.

Their story isn't your story.

Look Closer

The real models are right here:

That couple across town with the 30-year marriage.

That family who raised great kids.

That local business owner who built something profitable and real.

They won't write books.

Won't speak on stages.

Won't sell you their secrets.

But they're living proof of what's possible.

Your Move

Excellence isn't in the exceptions.

It's in the everyday.

The only legitimate comparison?

You, yesterday.

You, today.

You, tomorrow.