When Life Changes Force Your Next Chapter

Finding Strength After Loss: Lessons About Fear, Faith and Forward Motion

I thought I was prepared.

I'd experienced life-changing events before.

Living in New York City during 9/11.

Unexpected losses of loved ones.

Major life transitions.

What Nobody Tells You

I'm being forced to make decisions

That would have been easy to avoid.

Some changes won't wait.

Some chapters end whether you're ready or not.

The Dream

I rarely remember my dreams.

But this one stayed with me:

A man looked me in the eyes and said,

"You won't get what you're afraid of."

I woke up understanding:

Fear creates resistance.

Resistance blocks possibility.

And you miss what's right here.

The Gifts You Don't Expect

Watching my 8-year-old twins rebuild.

Still finding laughter in darkness.

Feeling everything because I chose a dry January.

Being awake for all of it.

The Simple Truth

You can't rewrite finished chapters.

You can't fear your way forward.

It isn't faith if you can see it.

You can only trust what's ahead

While standing right here.

Your Move

Pick one thing, big or small, that will make today a success.

Just one.

Then, make sure it happens.

And remember:

You are the life changing event you've been waiting for.