Why Some Men Get Consistent Great Results and Others Don’t

The Secret to Success Isn’t What You Think

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Understand that one day there won’t be a tomorrow. That’s why what you do today is so important.

Rise & Shine.

This is Man Morning.

Every week I share lessons, stories, and insights to help us get better.

As a husband, father, and professional - this is personal.

Thanks for being here.

In This Issue.

• Wise Words
• What Winners Know
• Read. Listen. Watch.

Wise Words.

“I tell you: one must still have chaos in oneself to give birth to a dancing star.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

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What Winners Know.

Ever wonder why some men seem to achieve their goals consistently while others struggle year after year?

It’s not about who works harder.

It’s about how they work.

After spending over a decade coaching high-performing men (and those who want to become high performers), writing about personal growth, and speaking on stages around the world, I've seen this pattern firsthand.

Here’s the secret:

The men who succeed consistently don’t focus on the outcome as much as you think.

Instead, they focus on something else entirely. It’s a bit counterintuitive.

Most guys attack their goals by setting big, shiny targets:

Lose 25 pounds.

Have a great marriage.

Earn $150,000 more this year.

These are solid goals, and it’s important to know what you want.

But here’s the thing: Just knowing what you want won’t get you there.

Here’s what separates the guys who hit their goals from the ones who fall short:

They focus on the daily actions, not just the end result.

This concept is called lead measures vs. lag measures, something laid out in the brilliant book The 4 Disciplines of Execution.

Lag Measures

Lag measures are the end goals, the result.

It’s the weight you want to lose, the extra money you want to earn, or the better marriage you want to have.

Most men make the mistake of focusing only on lag measures.

But successful men do the opposite.

They focus on lead measures.

Lead Measures

Lead measures are the small, consistent actions that actually move the needle toward their goals.

Here’s where you come in:

You want to lose 25 pounds?

Focus on lead measures:

  • Workout 4 times a week doing resistance training

  • Eat clean home-cooked meals and avoid processed foods

  • Drink a gallon of water every day and limit alcohol

You can’t control the exact number on the scale tomorrow, but you can control whether you lace up your shoes and go for a run today.

You can control what you put on your plate.

The same principle applies across the board:

You work in sales and want to earn $100,000 more in the New Year?

Here’s what you can focus on:

  • Make 5 extra sales calls a day (roughly 1,300 extra calls a year)

  • Meet one client for lunch each week

  • Check in with your existing clients bi-weekly

Instead of stressing over whether you’ll hit that income target, focus on making those extra calls and building relationships.

You’ll be surprised how quickly things add up.

You want to get more sleep?

Start by controlling these things:

  • Turn off electronics by 8 pm

  • Be in bed by 9:30 pm

  • Get those 8 hours of sleep

You can’t always control whether you sleep perfectly, but you can control when you turn off Netflix and head to bed.

You want a better marriage?

Don’t just say you want it. Start acting on it:

  • Schedule weekly date nights

  • Attend monthly marriage counseling

  • Ensure 5 positive interactions with your wife for every negative one

You can’t control every outcome in your relationship, but you can control how much effort you put in every day.

The same goes for your health, your career, and everything else.

Most guys say they want the result, but they aren’t willing to commit to the daily actions required to get it.

It’s the men who track their daily habits - the lead measures - who see the real, consistent results.

They focus on what they can control, not just what they want.

The truth? Focusing on the result is easy.

Saying you want to lose 25 pounds or make an extra $100k sounds great, but it’s all talk unless you’re willing to do the daily work.

You want change?

Start by focusing on the actions that will get you there.

Break it down.

Track the small, consistent wins that will stack up over time.

That’s the secret.

It’s not complicated.

Take the first step: Sign up for my free training this Wednesday and master lead measures.

Read. Listen. Watch.

How to remember more and forget less. 10 tools every guy should own. The real reason so many people feel lost, stuck, and are always figuring things out. Be thankful it didn’t happen. The truth about happy wife, happy life.

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  • How to Ask for Help Without Losing an Ounce of Respect (Master this skill and watch how your influence grows.)

  • This Simple Habit Can Slash Your Risk of Heart Disease, Diabetes, or Stroke by 50% (And it's way more enjoyable than you think!)

  • The Real Secrets to Gaining Power and Earning Respect (Forget what you’ve been told—this is how it really works.)

  • Struggling to Sleep? This Supplement Could Be the Game-Changer You Need (Wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day.)

  • The Best Pair of Jeans You’ll Find for Under $50 (Style, comfort, and durability all in one.)

  • What $35 Million Buys You in Today’s Housing Market (Will you be impressed?)

  • Cancer Rates Are Climbing for Men Under 50—Here’s How to Protect Yourself (Your health is in your hands, and this guide hows you how.)

  • Why Developing Your 'Social Fitness' Is as Important as Hitting the Gym (Unlock the power of relationships for long-term success.)

  • Want to Be a Better Dad? Learn Your Kid’s Love Language (This is the key to connecting with them on a deeper level.)

Before we go...

Remember that you have everything you need and more to live a great life.

You are smarter today than you’ve ever been before in your life.

Don’t forget that.

Use it all.

Antonio Neves, Man Morning Newsletter

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