The Importance of Choosing the Right Friends

How to Identify Allies and Avoid Thieves

Rise and shine.

This is Man Morning - the newsletter that wakes you up with thoughtful insights and powerful questions to start your day.

In today’s issue:

  • 🔑 Allies or Thieves

  • 🎧 What we’re listening to

  • 💬 Smart words


Photo by leonides ruvalcabar

Every day you make an important choice that you may not be aware of:

Choosing who you spend your time with and give your energy to.

We previously wrote about the 5 men every man needs in his life:

  • Facilitator

  • Playmaker

  • Encourager

  • Bruiser

  • Rock

As described in the book Stop Living on Autopilot, what distinguishes these 5 men from others is that they are Allies, not Thieves.

Thieves are men who are:

  • Negative

  • Uninspired

  • Cynical

  • Jealous

  • Unreliable

Thieves drain your energy when they show up and can suck the joy out of any room.

Thieves take up your time talking about all the things they’re going to do, knowing they probably never will.

They tend to always have drama going on in their lives and call others out on their behavior but do nothing more.

When you succeed, Thieves can be intimidated and make backhanded comments they pass off as jokes…

Odds are you can identify some Thieves in your life right now.

Allies are men who:

  • Encourage you

  • Inspire you

  • Challenge you

  • Push you

  • Hold you accountable to be the best version of yourself

Allies bring positivity and optimism into the room.

After you spend time with Allies, you have more energy and are fired up for what’s to come.

Allies are excited to hear about what you want to accomplish so they can help you get started and create momentum.

Instead of having drama going on in their lives, Allies have great things going on.

They don’t call men out on their behavior. Instead, Allies call them up to be a better version of themselves.

Allies aren’t threatened by your success. They are excited to see you win.

Take a close look at who you spend most of your time with (in person or on the phone).

Pay attention to who is and who isn’t clapping when you succeed.

Identify your Allies and keep them close. Create boundaries for the Thieves.

Spending time with Allies isn’t always easy. They’re going to expect the best out of you and expect you to bring the best out of them.

Remember, diamonds are formed by pressure.

Now it’s time to surround yourself with the good kind of peer pressure to get the best out of you.


Did you know that loneliness poses the same dangers as smoking? It can even show up as physical illness, including chronic pain.

To address this, Man Morning was spotlighted on one of the top health and wellness podcasts in the world.

In a real and raw conversation, a roundtable of Man Morning men shared how surrounding yourself with people who lift you up not only makes life more fulfilling, but it also leads to a healthier and longer one too.

Listen HERE. Watch HERE.


“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too can become great.”

Mark Twain

That's it for today. Enjoyed this issue? Forward to a few men who will appreciate it.

See you soon.

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